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March 17-19, 2023 Charlotte, NC

Join Us for The 8th annual CIA Event

Calling all gentlemen. We are excited to host the Community Impact Assembly 2023.
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The Community Impact Assembly is a three-day conference by and for male educators of color.

The conference focuses on building community among male educators of color nationwide while gaining leadership and professional skills to apply in the classroom/ an educational worksite.  

This year our theme is “Reground”; we are (re)grounding ourselves in our purpose, values,  and mission to build communities of male educators of color that have a profound additional impact on boys of color. 

CIA will be held at the Embassy Suites in Charlotte, NC at 4800 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28217

Registration is closed but sign up to learn about future workshops, conferences, and socials in your area. 

Attention! If you are not a male educator of color, join us for community day!

Community Day kicks off the first day of an impactful weekend. It is an opportunity for community supporters and gentlemen to engage with critical topics impacting male educators of color. The morning will consist of a panel discussion and solution-focused breakout sessions. The afternoon will be service-oriented, where we will strategize with our educators about a challenge they are facing in the profession.   

Thank you to our Donors!

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Community Impact Assembly Agenda

Friday and Saturday will be held at Embassy Suites - 4800 S Tryon St, Charlotte, NC 28217

Friday, March 17 -
Leah Rapley | leah@profoundgentlemen.org

Saturday & Sunday, March 18/19 - Wayne Terrell | wayne@profoundgentlemen.org

  1. 8:00a - 8:15a

    Check In

  2. 8:15a - 8:30a


  3. 8:45a - 9:00a

    Guest Speaker- Dr. Duane Davis

    Tillage and Cultivation: The importance of male educators of color

  4. 9:15a - 10:15a

    Panel Discussion

    All seeds but different conditions: Unraveling the male educator of color experience.

  5. 10:20a - 11:20a

    Breakout Sessions

    The growing process: Developing Solutions for retaining male educators of color

  6. 11:30a-12:15p

    Closing Session Part 1

    Design a maintenance plan for keeping male educators of color in the profession
  7. 12:15p - 1:30p

    Lunch Break and Networking

  8. 1:30p - 2:30p

    CORE Sessions

    “Collaborating with current male educators of color to support their impact in education”
  9. 2:45p - 3:00p

    Community Day Close Out

  10. 6:30P 9:30 P

    Male Educator of Color Kick Off Social

  1. 9:30a- 10:00 am


  2. 10:00 - 10:45 am

    Learning Community 1

  3. 10:45 - 11:00 am


  4. 11:00 - 12:00pm

    Concurrent 1

    Session Topics

    What Matters Right Now?: Identifying focus areas to prioritize in order to yield stronger team results and improve team outcomes. You’ll leave with strategies to implement with you

    Facilitator: Brian Riddick

    Good Trouble: Building an Education Advocacy Strategy: Building skills to create advocacy agendas and build coalitions for advocacy in their schools and communities.    

    Facilitator: Brice Thomas

    CP.R. - When Teachers Give Life to Students : A tool kit teachers can used when faced with difficult situations within the classroom  

    Facilitator: Leroy Wray and Darren Rainey

    Financial Planning 101

    Facilitator: Rick Johnson

    Galvanize Your Learning Environment: Building a strong classroom culture through student engagement and student ownership

    Facilitator: Masaru Harris

  5. 12:00 - 12:15pm


  6. 12:15 - 1:15pm

    Concurrent 2

    Session Titles

    Showcasing yourself: How educators can demonstrate their work experience for their next education role

    Facilitator: Doc Dillard

    Embrace the B-Side for Record-breaking Impact: Examining the delicate balance of meeting your current organizational challenges while planning for tomorrow's potential impact. You'll walk away with strategies and tips to deliver your core programs while exploring new frontiers."

    Facilitator: Jason Terrell

    He be running his mouth: How to use AAVE in the classroom : The importance of African American vernacular English in the classroom. What is it and how can we utilize it in the classroom to engage students and create more culturally relevant instruction.

    Facilitator: Pierce Boyd-Bagby

    Just Like Music: How Hip Hop can be used to boost SEL Skills

    Facilitator: David Spellmon

  7. 1:30 - 2:30pm


    Guest Speaker: Tony DelaRosa
  8. 1:30 - 2:30pm

    Guest Speaker-Tony DelaRosa

    Everything, Everywhere All at Once: From Community to Legacy

  9. 2:45p - 3:45pm

    Learning Community 2

  10. 3:45p - 4:00pm


  11. 4:00p - 5:00pm

    Concurrent 3

    Session Topics

    Building an Inclusive Community: Working with our exceptional students comes with challenges, but one thing is consistent, is that community and routine is needed. You will learn strategies to build community through SEL practices that build relational trust and empower your students.

    Facilitator: Ashton Minor

    Building Positive Relationships with Students: Learning strategies to build quality relationships, and create a positive classroom culture that sets a great tone for teaching and learning.

    Facilitator: Kevin Scott

    Beloved Brotha: The Melanin Table Talk: A Round Table Discussion on Empowerment of the Males of Color Experience and Mental Health

    Facilitator: Jamial Black

    You Go Boy! Navigating Educational Leadership as a Black Male: Suggestions and tips on how to elevate to educational leadership as a black male, while keeping your "why" centered in every choice you make.

    Facilitator: Laquan Magruder

    Finding your Equity Lens: Using an equity lens to disrupt oppressive educational practices.

    Facilitator: Demetrius Upchurch

  12. 5:30p - 8:00pm

    Happy Hour

  1. 10:00a - 1:00p


    Supperland - 1212 The Plaza, Charlotte, NC 28205

We're excited to see you

Educators Registration

Please fill out your information below to register.

After filling out the form, you will be directed to a page with information on next steps for payment or members applying for a scholarship.

"Shoutout to our learning community facilitators. They did a great job connecting each of us as well as ensured that we were present & engaged."

Johnathan Moore

"This was a great session that caused me to reflect not only when I have been vulnerable but when I dismissed vulnerability for my boys of color in my classroom."

Tim Lindsey 

"I was appreciative that this platform allowed the gentleman to have a consistent dialogue all the throughout the CIA conference. I like how were were encouraged to share our experiences relevant to the subject matter for the conference."

Johnnie Jackson

"Overall, I loved being able to have the chance to build a community with like minded black men and dedicate my time to a space that was wholly dedicated to developing me as a person and a professional."

Darryl Gladstone